BEGIN EVERY DAY BY THANKING GOD | Today Is A Gift And A Blessing From God - Morning Inspiration
Get up every morning and thank God for all the blessings He has given you! Let us remember all the good things that God has done. It is only with gratitude that life becomes rich. Today is a gift enjoy it to the fullest.
GOD IS BIGGER THAN YOUR FAILURE | Your Past Failures Don’t Define You - Inspirational & Motivational
You might have failed, but you’re not a failure until you give up. Never let past failure defeat your next step. Your past failures do not define you. God is not limited by your failures. God loves you and knows all your past failures and current fears. God will use your mistakes and bring good out of them.
TRUST GOD IN ALL THINGS | Everything Has A Purpose - 1 Hour Powerful Christian Motivation
Everything happens for a reason. It’s all part of God’s plan. He loves you and He knows what He’s doing! God has perfect timing. Never stop trusting Him!
WAKE UP AND WIN THE DAY | Listen To This Daily - Morning Inspiration To Motivate You
We will all go through trials and tribulations. But God promises that if you put your trust in Him, He will give you a strength that enables you to rise above the problems you face. And when you get through them, you’ll be stronger on the other side.
CHANGE YOUR MINDSET | Defeat Negative Thinking - Inspirational & Motivational Video
Our minds are powerful, and our thoughts shape who we are and will become. If you want to change your life, you have to change your mindset. You will never succeed with a negative mindset. Negative thinking is a tool that the enemy uses to make us live in defeat. We can overcome negative thinking by replacing the lies of the devil with the truth of God’s word.